An Introduction to BizTalk for SedonaOffice

a person typing on a computer

Thirty years ago, an engineering student in Paris by the name of Eric Thomas developed a software program to automate the management of email lists. Up to this point in time, email lists had to be administrated manually, which was a tedious and time-consuming process. Thomas’ email list management program became a success and was named LISTSERV. Over time, the software continued to evolve and as other products were written, the term “listserver” became a generic term for any mail management software.

Fast forward to today, and you will find that a number of companies and groups continue to use listservers to promote community and discussion among their user base. While other tools exist such as Forums and Blogs, nothing beats the convenience of sending an email.

Since 2011, Bold Group has used a listserver to communicate with our Alarm Monitoring customers, named “BoldTalk.” This resource provides them with a convenient and easy-to-use method for communication with other customers and with Bold staff. They use it to discuss software and hardware questions and issues, operating system and employee management questions, as well as to offer opinions, ask questions of other Bold customers, or just to get the latest news.

Now Bold Group is ready to put a new listserver in place to serve our Financial Management customers who use SedonaOffice. Since the software also places a heavy focus on business operations, we have named this listserver “BizTalk.”

With our growing customer base, Bold Group has a huge number of resources to share information with each other. BoldTalk has been a valuable tool for our alarm monitoring users and we hope BizTalk will be the same for our financial management users.

You must opt-in to join BizTalk; here is the link where you can subscribe to the listserver:

Here are some helpful things to know about BizTalk:

  1. To send a message to the user community, you must be subscribed to the mailing list. Once you initially subscribe, a member of the Bold Group team must authorize you for the list. This helps to prevent individuals with dishonest intentions from using the mailing list for malicious purposes.
  2. When you sign up, you have the option to receive the emails in a single-batched daily digest. This is for those individuals who still want to know what is going on with the conversation, but don’t want to receive individual emails throughout the day.
  3. Once you are subscribed, communicating with the group is as easy as sending an email to [email protected].
  4. Emails need to be kept small in size. Please don’t email large pictures or your post will be rejected. Messages need to be kept to 75K or smaller.
  5. Please read the rules and etiquette page. This describes the general rules for the mailing list. Following the rules is for the benefit of the whole user community. The page can be found at
  6. BizTalk will keep an archive of past posts that can be found at (you will need your email and password to access it.)

We look forward to getting the conversations started with our Financial Management customers on BizTalk! Also, if you are an alarm monitoring customer who has not yet subscribed to BoldTalk, you can subscribe to that listserver here: