Security Intelligence

Security Intelligence Solutions
Your Business Needs

The cybersecurity threat environment isn’t getting any friendlier. Software and hardware continue to be produced without security in mind. For many manufacturers, security is an afterthought, at best. We’ve got it covered.

Network Navigator

Network Navigator is a secure IT device that connects you to your customers’ networked devices – even if you don’t control their network. Remotely and securely monitor device health and availability via VPN. Also provides remote support.

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Rest assured your network is protected against all the latest threats. backStage server is your backbone for layered cybersecurity. A managed firewall will block all known intrusions, then the Network Intrusion Detection System will employ Deep Packet Inspection to thwart known attack signatures behind the firewall.

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vCiso reduces your network vulnerabilities. With quarterly network scans, our Certified information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) consultant produces a detailed reports of the vulnerability scan and provides detailed reporting of threats and recommendations.

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