Performance improvement is a year-round job – you analyze, test and re-analyze how things work…or don’t. Focusing on ways to improve your monitoring center performance should be no exception. it’s important to remember that many things can affect your center’s performance: staff changes, customer service processes, leadership changes, etc.
With that in mind, here are 3 easy ways to constantly improve your monitoring center’s performance.
1. Make sure your hardware is functioning at peak efficiency
Hardware is exactly that – hard. It is subject to the physical world and all the environmental elements. If your server room fans stop circulating cold air, the servers will heat up; this can damage circuits or corrupt hard drives. Other environmental elements can also cause hardware failures, including dust, jostling, or power surges.
Steps to take:
- Devise a maintenance plan to manage all of your hardware and keep it as safe and protected as possible.
- Prominently label the person to contact if something goes wrong with your servers, and make sure someone from every shift knows where to find this information.
- Implement a hardware replacement plan with your hardware provider.
2. Back up your data
Emergencies happen and an emergency is not the time to find out no one knows what to do or that the data on the standby server is a month old. In the event operators discover they are unable to process alarms, they should know how to confirm replication is accurate, and how to efficiently switch to the standby server.
Steps to take:
- Create regular, daily backups of your data on all database servers.
- Send a weekly copy of your backups off-site to an accessible location.
- Regularly practice fail over procedures to ensure that one or more individuals on EVERY shift know the process and what to do in an emergency.
3. Review your operational and training processes
According to a recent Gallup poll, only between 14 to 41% of employees know what their company stands for and what makes them different from their competitors. How many of your employees understand what they are doing and why? The very best way to help increase employee engagement is to build staff confidence through training and processes.
Steps to take:
- Leverage your available learning tools to foster an environment of self-empowered learning.
- Create an environment where every mistake is a teachable moment; this encourages operators to step out of their comfort zone and figure some things out on their own.
- Clearly define your processes and procedures; this removes ambiguity and empowers operators to solve specific customer needs and issues.
These are the three most vital elements to a monitoring center’s success: hardware, software, and staffing. If any of these elements fail to perform at their highest level, the customer experience suffers.
By maintaining your hardware, preparing for emergencies, and engaging your team through training, you will see an immediate improvement in the performance of your monitoring center.