A NEO Year for Manitou

a person at a computer monitoring security

The new year brought exciting news from the team here at Bold. As of January 1st, we have officially released the latest version of our flagship alarm automation software, ManitouNEO. This new upgrade has multiple new features developed to improve the user experience for our customers, and we have other upgrades in the works for release later this year.

Changes for ManitouNEO extend beyond the software itself, however. We’ve also made adjustments to the way the product is sold, by organizing our software and module offerings into streamlined packages designed to meet different alarm monitoring needs. Whether the customer is a central station, an educational institution, a retail company, or a business with other requisites for monitoring software, Bold now has a comprehensive package with the components to best suit the requirements.

The new basic package is ManitouNEO | Standard, which delivers everything necessary for localized monitoring centers, corporations, schools and more. It features the base ManitouNEO software with the improved Dashboard display, data replication, activity recording through the Stealth Logger, and accounting integration through SedonaOffice or Quickbooks.

From there, you can step up to ManitouNEO | Business, which takes the Standard package and brings in more features needed for a growing monitoring center. BoldNet Neo, BoldNet Mobile, the Virtual Operator, specialized alarm handling through Monitoring Groups, and a Multi-Rep system are all included. The Business package also includes the Video Control Center for integrated video monitoring and verification with alarm handling.

ManitouNEO | Premier includes a suite of products designed to help a commercial monitoring center increase their RMR with more sophisticated offerings, including the UniversalConnector for receiving non-traditional transmissions, BoldTrak for GPS monitoring, TwoWayPLUS for two-way voice alarms and PERS devices, Location Services for immediate PSAP lookup, and AutoText for managing low-priority alarms via text messaging. The Premier package also includes powerful business features like Enhanced Action Patterns, PBXEnterprise, OpenVoice, LineCheck, and the Advanced Report Writer.

Finally, for enterprise-level monitoring companies, we offer the highest level of innovation available in automation software with ManitouNEO | Enterprise. This fully-inclusive system has all of the features listed in the above packages, with additional high-level features such as the upgraded Dashboard Analytics, Manitou High Availability for automatic failover, AccessPoint, VoiceRecord, the Manitou Developer Kit, and more. The Enterprise package also includes integrations with I-View Now and Dragonfly, and our Bold NotifyMe and Bold ProtectMe apps.

All of the new packages deliver the streamlined signal processing of ManitouNEO with exceptional stability and power, each ManitouNEO package can be installed on premises or virtually with Bold’s Manitou Cloud Services hosted solution. We’re excited to have these new options available for customers. If you have questions about any of our products or would like to see them in action, please let us know!